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The Democratic Party in Our Neighborhood
What is Ward 48?
What is Division 20?
What is a Committee Person?
What do Committee People Do?
Who are My Committee People?
The Democratic Party in Our Neighborhood
‘Ward 48-Division 20’ is the voting jurisdiction for registered Democratic Party members living on the following city streets and blocks in South Philadelphia (See also the blue outline on the map above):
- the south side of Moore Street, between S. Broad and S. 16th Streets. (The even-numbered addressed on the 1400 and 1500 blocks of Moore Street.)
- the north side of Mifflin Street, between S. Broad and S. 16th Street. (The odd-numbered addresses on the 1400 and 1500 blocks of Mifflin Street.)
- the west side of S. 16th Street, between Moore and Mifflin. (The odd-numbered addresses on the 1800 block of S. 16th Street.)
- the West side of S. Broad Street, between Moore and Mifflin. (The even-numbered addresses on the 1800 block of S. Broad Street.)
- the 1800 blocks of S. Rosewood, S. Carlisle, S Hicks, and S. Mole Streets (even- and odd-numbered addresses.)
What is Ward 48?
For voting purposes, the City of Philadelphia is broken down into 66 geographical regions called ‘wards‘. The Ward system organizes just over 796,000 Democratic-registered voters into a framework for grassroots, or community level politics. We are in the area of the city designated as the 48th Ward (out of 66 total wards).
What is Division 20?
Each ward is further broken down into somewhere between 11 and 51 ‘divisions‘ (or voting districts) each of which has its own polling place. All together across the city there are 1,686 divisions (or polling locations) in the city. These divisions are the smallest political units of the city. By law, each division is required to contain no fewer than 100 and no more than 1,200 registered voters. We are in Division 20 out of 23 total divisions in the 48th Ward.
- To see a map of all the wards and divisions in Philadelphia go here.
What is a Committee Person?
Every four years, Democratic voting neighbors in each Division elect up to two Committee People to represent the interests of their neighborhood within the political system. The Committee Person role is the lowest level, volunteer position in the Democratic Party.
Committee people are the backbone of the Democratic Party and the face of the Party in the neighborhood. Their duties are election-related: to register Democratic voters in the neighborhood, to inform and motivate Democratic neighbors to vote in elections, and to communicate the needs of the voters at the grassroots level upwards to the level of the Ward and to the City Democratic Party leadership:
What Do Committee People Do?
Committee People are elected to perform these duties:
• “Get Out the Vote” by reminding neighbors of the date and time that polls are open.
• Provide information about candidates, ballot questions, and issues affecting our neighborhood.
• Help register new neighborhood residents to vote.
• Circulate nomination petitions to help candidates get on the ballot.
• Attend ward meetings and voting on candidates that the Democratic Party should endorse for every office on the ballot, from President down to City Council.
• Engage with neighbors, block captains, and community groups to work on matters of concern.
• Help bring elected officials and candidates for office to meet voters in the neighborhood.
Who are my Committee People?
In the May 2018, Primary election the Democratic voting neighbors of Ward 48-Division 20 elected Patrice (Patti) L. Jeppson and Cameron D. Smith to serve as Committee People.
Learn more and or contact Patrice (Patti) Jeppson here…
The Committee People of the 48th Ward will fight for candidates that will support policies and programs that make a positive difference for all of us. This includes:
• Full and Fair Funding for our Schools
• Universal Health Care in Pennsylvania
• A Fair Share Progressive Tax Structure
• An Economy Run on Sustainable Fuels
• Criminal Justice Reforms
• A Livable Minimum Wage